Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Ten Foods to Prevent Hair Loss For Females/Males

Ten Foods to Prevent Hair Loss

Many researches and studies have manifest that the type of foods we eat play a very important role in our overall health. Food acts as a fuel for the body and when the right and pure type of fuel is supplied to a machine the efficiency of the machine improves to a great extent. It is a fact that whatever we eat reflects on our body. The right type of food helps our organs work efficiently and unhealthy foods can have a negative impact on the body.

Hair Loss

Ten Foods to Prevent Hair Loss For Females/Males

Hair loss is a most common problem of every odd man/women. The development and deficit of our hair also depends on our lifestyle and eating habits. Person who take healthy and well balanced diet are privileged with beautiful and healthy hair and persons who have  an unhealthy lifestyle trouble from various hair problems, like hair thinning, balding and hair loss etc.  So for controlling this problem we have enlisted top Ten Foods to Prevent Hair Loss For Females/Males. Please have a look

Foods to Prevent Hair Loss/ Hair Loss Prevention Foods


Ten Foods to Prevent Hair Loss For Females/Males

Fruits are vital sources of vitamins. Eating plenty of fruits in your diet will help a great deal in fighting hair loss. Various fruits rich in vitamin A, C, E, B6 etc. are very beneficial for growth of hair. Mango, papaya, watermelon, passion fruit are vital source of vitamin A which helps in strengthening the immune system and promotes hair growth.

Strawberries, mulberries, kiwi, pineapple, oranges and other citrus fruits are warehouse of vitamin C and a rich source of antioxidants as well. Some other fruits like blueberries, cranberries, avocados have vitamin E in abundance which promotes better circulation of blood to all parts of the body, including the scalp which in turn triggers hair growth.


Ten Foods to Prevent Hair Loss For Females/Males

Cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Radish are very good for health and hair growth as well. The shade of vitamin C in these vegetables helps in eliminating all sorts of toxins from the body which turn in preventing hair loss.

Green leafy vegetables are also having vital source of vitamin C and E which develops better blood circulation in hair follicles. These also contain ample amounts of iron which is must for hair growth.

Raisins And Nuts

Ten Foods to Prevent Hair Loss For Females/Males

Raisins and nuts are extremely beneficial for skin and hair as well. Raisins are wealthy resource of iron which is good for healthier blood flow to all parts of the body including scalp. Likewise various nuts like almonds, walnuts, peanuts, brazil nuts, cashew nuts are also rich source of vitamins. Apart from containing various vitamins, these also possess magnesium, zinc, selenium, etc. which are very essential to prevent loss of hair.


Ten Foods to Prevent Hair Loss For Females/Males

Salmon, tuna, mackerel, trout fishes are very wealthy resource of omega-3 fatty acids and proteins which are very vital for hair growth. Vegetarians can also reap the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids by taking fish oil supplements.

Person can also apply fish oil to their scalp to get free from scalp connected problems like itchy scalp etc. Some other sources of omega-3 fatty acids are walnuts, flax seeds, olive oil etc.

Pulses And Legumes

Ten Foods to Prevent Hair Loss For Females/Males

Pulses and legumes are very wealthy resource of proteins, iron, zinc etc. which are very beneficial for hair growth. Deficit of these minerals can lead to breakage of hair and brittle hair. Proper diet of pulses and legumes will help you to being fit and also prevent hair loss. Various beans, chickpeas, etc. works wonders to promote hair growth.


Ten Foods to Prevent Hair Loss For Females/Males

Consumption of Eggs is very effective for preventing hair loss are eggs. Eggs are a vital source of protein and a serving of egg in your diet few times a week will help a great deal in controlling hair fall. Person can also massage your hair and scalp with a combination of olive oil and egg for getting rid of hair fall problems.

Dairy Products

Ten Foods to Prevent Hair Loss For Females/Males

Milk, cheese, cottage cheese are ware house of calcium and therefore they are very good for hair. So ensure that you include these in your diet. But people who are lactose intolerant should keep away from such products and look for substitutes of dairy products to prevent hair loss.

Soy Products

Ten Foods to Prevent Hair Loss For Females/Males

Soy products are well known because of the presence of great amounts of essential fatty acids and proteins in it. People who are lactose intolerant can consume soy products to prevent hair loss. Soybeans, soy milk tofu are common way to attain perfect hair and great health. So ensure that you include soy products in your diet.


Ten Foods to Prevent Hair Loss For Females/Males

Oats can cut your bad cholesterol which is very good for great health. Oats are full of proteins, minerals, silicon etc. Proteins help in hair growth. Silicon helps in attaining thick hair and healthier hair strands.

Green Tea

Ten Foods to Prevent Hair Loss For Females/Males

Consumption of couple cups of green tea daily helps a person in attaining great health. It controls heart related ailments, hypertension, diabetes etc. Research had showed that having green tea on a regular basis helps in treating alopecia, male pattern baldness. So a person can switch your cup of coffee/tea  with a cup of green tea for better health.


With the consumption of right food, a person has to keep himself away from all sorts of stress and tensions to prevent hair loss. A good workout routine and healthy lifestyle free of bad habits like smoking, drinking etc. is very essential for great hair and health. Drink plenty of water of keep yourself hydrated in order to prevent hair loss.

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